A bridge spanning a small stream lined with trees and ferns in Dublin California – Photo by Rich Ash
Green three-leaf clover representing Dublin California

Garbage and Recycling Collection Services in Dublin, California

Amador Valley Industries (AVI) is the franchised hauler servicing Dublin, California. Find out how you can join the thousands of residents and hundreds of businesses already participating in the City’s recycling programs and doing their part to conserve natural resources and reduce waste by clicking the links below!

(photo by Rich Ash)

Residential services icon


Single-family residents in Dublin have the ability to choose the appropriate size container for their garbage needs.

Commercial services icon


Commercial customers can choose from a variety of garbage collection services designed to meet their specific needs.

Other trash services icon

Other Services

Join thousands of residents and hundreds of businesses doing their part to conserve natural resources and reduce waste.

Important Announcements

FAQ’s on Waste Connections

Who is Waste Connections?

Waste Connections is the premier provider of solid waste collection, transfer, recycling and disposal services, along with recycling and resource recovery, for millions of customers across North America including thirty municipalities in California

Will my collection day change? Will I notice any changes?

Your collection day and services will remain the same, as will the driver and staff who currently service your account. The equipment and the Amador Valley Industries’ company logo will remain the same. Our office will remain at the same location, 6175 Southfront Rd., Livermore, CA 94551. If there are any changes to routing or your regular service day, you will be notified in advance.

Am I required to have trash collection?

Yes, the Dublin Municipal Code requires all residential and commercial premises – to subscribe with the franchised hauler, Amador Valley Industries, to a minimum service level that includes solid waste, recycling, and organics. This requirement is in place to minimize public health and safety issues and comply with State law, Senate Bill 1383.

Are my rates going to increase?

All rates and rate structures as well as any future changes will remain governed by the existing franchise agreement.

Will I continue to receive enhanced services?

Yes. Waste Connections will uphold all obligations of the franchise agreement. In addition to the weekly curbside collection of garbage, recyclables, and compostable materials, residents benefit from the following services:

Quarterly collection of donated clothing.

Three on-call large item pickups every 12 months

Curbside collection of used motor oil and filters

Collection of household batteries and cell phones/accessories

Commercial customers will continue to have an array of services available to them, including cart, bin, and roll-off containers for landfill, recycling, and compost streams. We also have a dedicated Outreach and Education Team for our commercial and multifamily properties. Our Outreach Coordinators can help you right-size your services, properly sort materials into the correct stream, and provide you with resources and training for your staff.

Contact us:

Office hours: 8am – 5pm, M-F

6175 Southfront Rd., Livermore, CA 94551

Phone: 925-479-9545

Email: info@amadorvalleyindustries.com

Attention: New Compost and Recycling Law

Effective January 1, 2022, a new California law (SB 1383) requires that compostable materials, be kept out of landfills—including food scraps, paper, cardboard, and plant trimmings—to prevent the production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. In Alameda County, the law is implemented under the Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance.

Businesses, institutions, nonprofits, and multi-family properties must subscribe to compost and recycling collection service, set up color-coded and labeled indoor bins, ensure proper sorting, and educate employees, contractors and tenants about the law at least annually. Certain food generating businesses must also donate surplus edible food to food recovery (rescue) organizations or services instead of composting it.

Residents are required to subscribe to curbside composting and recycling collection service and sort materials into the correct containers.

Curbside Textile Recycling
in January, April, July & October

All donations will go to Recycle For Change, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that collects and recycles used clothing and shoes to protect the environment and support sustainable development work across the globe. Want more information go to Recycleforchange.org.

Change your Clothes, Change the World

At Recycle for Change we believe that in order to secure a healthy and prosperous future for all people, we must protect and preserve our planet’s natural resources and foster cooperation across cultures.

Collectively, we all have the power to preserve a significant amount of resources by reusing and recycling textiles. To make it easy, we offer community-wide collection boxes and curbside pickup events to do just that.​

All the clothing collected by Recycle for Change is sold to second-hand clothing dealers and graders both in the USA and abroad. Along the way, many jobs are created in the used clothing business.

We mobilize people and resources to support important sustainable development in the poorest parts of the world. We support organizations engaged in community-based sustainable development work in the US and abroad.

Curbside textile recycling showing examples of placing textiles in a clear bag
California State Treasurer, Fiona Ma, tours Amador Valley Industries to see new collection vehicles

Fiona Ma

California State Treasurer

California State Treasurer, Fiona Ma, tours Amador Valley Industries facilities.

Amador Valley Industries purchased California Air Resources Board compliant collection vehicles & equipment upgrades at their Livermore & Pleasanton locations. To help celebrate this achievement, the California State Treasurer, Fiona Ma, toured the AVI facilities.

California State Treasurer, Fiona Ma pictured with AVI owners Bob Molinaro and Gina Molinaro-Cardera

The new trucks contain particulate matter (PM) filters that trap microscopic solids or liquid droplets that are so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious health problems. When you see the AVI trucks around Dublin, you’ll know that they are now helping to improve the Air Quality Index (AQI) to keep the Tri-Valley outdoor air clean.